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Niche Entertainment - Event Management (Stage, Light, Sound)
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Embark on a journey into Jamaica's vibrant entertainment realm with Niche Entertainment Group Limited. Founded in January 2013 by our visionary Creative Executive Officer, Mrs. Apryl McIntosh-Smith, we've etched our mark in Jamaica's entertainment scene. Niche Entertainment provides comprehensive Event, Production, and Artiste Management services, tailoring experiences to your unique vision without compromising on exceptional customer service.

Recently branching into its own division, Niche Corporate is the epitome of creativity and effectiveness. We collaborate across media spectrums, delivering imaginative and original solutions, from creative design to developmental strategies. Join our Niche family, and let's create a remarkable communication experience together.

our things


Niche Entertainment provides comprehensive Event, Production, and Artiste Management services,tailoring experiences to your unique vision without compromising on exceptional customer service.

your feedback

People Say

My graduation party was decorated, set up and planned perfectly thanks to Apryl. I had a great time and my house looked amazing!! From the balloons, to the pictures taken at the party and for the party decor. I loved everything

Nia Sweeney

I couldn’t of asked for a better planner who executed my mother’s 60th birthday party better than how she envisioned it. Apryl did an exceptional job of fine tuning the smallest of details to ensure my mother (who is a perfectionist ) could actually relax and not fixate during her party. This memory will go down as her best birthday party to date! Thanks Niche Event’s & Occasion

Ashley Grenyion

Apryl catered/decorated for my son’s 1st Birthday. The final result was more than I even imagined. I feel like she treated me as she would a family member the way how beautiful everything turned out to be! I wish I could give ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ extra stars!
Karen Forknot

Karen Forknot

Niche Entertainment recently provided videography, lighting, and on the day coordination for our group’s first studio recording. They were professional, prompt, and gave helpful feedback between takes.
Niche-boss Apryl’s calming presence helped us shake off any nervousness, kept the energy levels high, and helped keep us on task. Her keen eye for visual balance, flow, and staging was evident in the behind-the-scenes type still shots I’ve seen so far- I’m looking forward to the finished results! Niche really went above and beyond! I’ll use them again in an heartbeat!

Sharda Small

Even though it was a service paid for, they made us feel like it was their business and was so professional in doing it. I believe we’ll be in business for a long time so now they are a part of my business family!

Michael Charles

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you again Apryl for everything you had done to make my family reunion a success. Everyone was happy and glad I found you to host this reunion. You and your team made our family reunion a great success, from the live performances to the DJ playing our favorite songs and the catering was to die for. It was a night to remember.

J Hemmings

Niche Entertainment has provided the highest quality consulting and services. Apryl specifically is well seasoned, very professional and knowledgeable in the entertainment industry. She has went above and beyond to meet the needs of my client in all ways with regards to vision, creativity and artist development. I highly recommend Niche Entertainment.

Nastasia poso

Nastasia poso

work with passion

Additional Event Services:

  • Décor – Our experienced team of designers will turn your vision into reality. With the use of ingenuity and elements we will customize, design and create your event!

  • DJ’s and Artists – We represent both exclusive party DJ’s, Artistes and Bands available for corporate and private events. They play all genres of music and will adept their play list to fit your event’s specific needs.

  • Catering and Bar Services – Niche is happy to assist you with the initial planning down to the last detail followed by excellent execution to provide you with the best team of chefs, hostesses and drinks for any occasion.

work with passion

Additional Event Services:

  • Décor – Our experienced team of designers will turn your vision into reality. With the use of ingenuity and elements we will customize, design and create your event!

  • DJ’s and Artists – We represent both exclusive party DJ’s, Artistes and Bands available for corporate and private events. They play all genres of music and will adept their play list to fit your event’s specific needs.

  • Catering and Bar Services – Niche is happy to assist you with the initial planning down to the last detail followed by excellent execution to provide you with the best team of chefs, hostesses and drinks for any occasion.

work with us

Check our best clients & partners.

Adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

Adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

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